Friday, October 24, 2008

me minus two wisdom teeth.

It has often crossed my mind who had the brilliant idea of naming the third and final set of molars WISDOM teeth. Maybe they do come around when you finally choose to become a little wiser. What is not so wise is the procedure to extract them. ARGH...
My appointment was schedulled for 3:00 pm, but as I walked into the office I knew that I was about to have a very long afternoon. There were about four or five people ahead of me and only one orthodontist. At 5:30 pm I was finally called, and directed to a room.
Let's just mention the fact that I was very well determined to get all four wisdom teeth removed on the same day. My mind changed as I was getting them removed. As they they worked on removing the second tooth, I asked them to stop as soon as they were done with that one. I couldn't take it anymore. I felt like I was filming a scene for the upcoming SAW VI (hajsfdhksgl).
Anyways, I survived. My face is very, very swollen and I look like
'Quico', from the series El Chavo del Ocho, hahaha. Yeah, maybe it's not that funny.
Well at least I get to be lazy (more than the usual), I get to eat tons of ice cream and yogurt, I get to lose some weight while I'm at it, read all my favorite blogs, and watch tons of movies... I am SO excited (feel the irony).


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

"Even their fear frightens them"

Maybe, as the New York Times' article states, the American Dream means: "keeping children happy, stimulated and successful, no matter the cost." Furthermore, living in suburbs, having pets, and most of all: keeping the truth from your kids so that they can live a happy life.

At times like these I come to thank 'God' that I am an immigrant and aware of the reality. Coming from a third world country where the economy has almost always (if not always) been at crisis, and also where my single mother had no choice but to tell her kids the truth. It wasn't any easier for us to understand back then, but it just makes it easier for us now, being used to it.

This simply answers my question. We CAN live with less and be happy. It doesn't mean living in poverty, but it does mean realizing that having what you NEED and sharing it does bring people together. Maybe this all explains why South Americans are considered 'warmer' (showing lively feelings, passions, emotions, sympathies,strongly attached; intimate people).

While parents may think that finances are a deal for adults, why not consider that this might help their kids have a better and clearer vision of the world. Meanwhile, this could perfectly explain the fact that their teenagers' wants are insatiable. Has nobody else asked why is it that kids in America are so materialistic? Why do they live a life through intermediaries (cellphones, computers, TVs, radios...). How can teenagers be offered such a wide range of information, all the same time, while still being such alienated beings?

Watch this video if you're interested.

Cheers, to the generation that is finally waking up!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Diário da Gabriela.

My name is Gabriela/ I am 19 years-old/ I live in New Jersey, United States/ I am currently a bum/ I started my first semester of college and soon quit because I am once again moving/ My major is, as soon as I can continue studying, journalism/ I write poetry, I make collages, I take and edit photos/ What I like most about Newark is its proximity to the city (NYC)/ The farthest away I have been is Hawaii, literally (it is the island furthest away from any land, in case you did not know)/ Here in Newark I walk everywhere, I take the bus a lot, I search for valuable friendships/ I do not drive yet but I am in love with mini-coopers and old Volkswagens/I like being organized, I like having plans, I like patterns (not so much routine)/ I love sweets and at times I feel like I only eat regular meals so I can get to the desserts/ I worry about my health, even though I should do more to improve it/ I am a vegetarian, I do not smoke, I take vitamins, I drink socially, but I barely exercise/ I do not watch TV, I spend way too much time on the Internet, although I am barely 'online'/ On weekends I spent most of my days catching up on sleep, watching movies and spending time with my mom and sister. Oh and I stay out until 4 am or later, sometimes doing absolutely nothing/ I feel the need to have some alone time and I almost always get it/ My favorite places are Williamsburg in Brooklyn, Greenwich Village in the city, Little Five Points in Atlanta, and my room (wherever it may be).

(collages I made on my bedroom's wall)

* I based this 'auto-biography' on this article.

Friday, October 17, 2008

half words and half images.

(Picture taken by me at Waimea Beach, Hawaii)
"Talking with quiet confidence will always beat screaming with obvious insecurity"

Thursday, October 16, 2008

sound of air

And from here I hear the sounds.
The sound of you talking to them, the sound of them talking(?) to you.
I hear the sound of her sound and wonder what it sounds like to her.
I hear the sound that comes from my ceiling fan, and wonder if my brain sounds the same.
It sure serves the same function as the ceiling fan.
Just like the fan shuffles the air, my brain shuffles my thoughts and makes me feel the cool breeze. Sometimes it gets too cold, sometimes it's not enough...AIR.

life on hold

The world is like a store
Where everyone’s life is on hold
Until we've got enough money to purchase it.
*I wrote this a really long time ago. Actually, I am not sure when I wrote it.
I came across it today as I was looking through some old pictures.
I often find myself searching for quotes online that will help me describe how I feel (lame, I know).
That is exactly why I was so impressed to have found something I have written, that instead of making me realize how much I have changed over the years, it helped me to finally see how much I have not changed. Unlike all the pictures I spent my entire day looking at. Wishing that I had some of the things I have now, back then... and vice-versa.
