Saturday, August 15, 2009


Sans titre
Sans titre by (¯`v´¯)♥ toutchi♥(¯`v´¯) on

My Neverland
My Neverland by EatsLoveForBreakfast*OFF* on

"Polyvore is a free, easy-to-use web-based application for mixing and matching images from anywhere on the web. It is also a vibrant community of creative and stylish people.

Polyvore lets you create sets composed of individual images using an easy to use, drag and drop editor. After you have created a set, you can publish and share it with your friends and the Polyvore community. "

Site muito legal para montagem usando imagens de qualquer lugar da internet.
Dá para aprender sobre as tendencias do fashion, seguir estilos de celebridades, aprender sobre design de interiores, aprender a combinar roupas, etc.

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